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Video bài nghe Market Leader Pre-intermediate – Unit 10: Managing People– HocHay

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Market Leader Pre-intermediate – Unit 10: Managing People – Listening


  1. Laurie Mullins is the author of Management and organisationalbehaviour. listen to the first part of the interview and answer these questions.
  2. Who was the first manager that impressed Laurie?
  3. How do you spell his name?
  4. What was his job?
  5. What three things did he emphasise?


Đáp án:

  1. Lord Sieff
  2. S-1-E-F-F
  3. Former Chairman of Marks and Spencer
  4. quality control, profit, staff welfare


  1. Listen to the second part and complete these notes.

Anita Roddick

  • founded The Body Shop in …………(1)
  • displayed a genuine ……………………(2) towards staff
  • strong belief in:

– environmental and …………(3) issues

– feminist principles

– practical …………(4) to Third World countries

  • not possible to provide …………(5)and social support without making a profit
  • was in business to make a …………(6)

Richard Branson

  • founded the …………(7)brand in …………(8)
  • over ………..(9) companies
  • famous for combining a true …………(10)spirit with a genuine ………… (11) for people

Đáp án:

  1. 1976
  2. caring attitude
  3. social
  4. aid
  5. environmental
  6. profit
  7. Virgin
  8. 1970
  9. 360
  10. entrepreneurial
  11. concern


  1. Listen to the final part and complete this summary.

All three managers had or have a genuine belief in effective ………… (1); involvement and ………..(2) for their staff; ……….. (3) so that staff can see them, …………(4) them; and they were able to have immediate ………… (5) with them.

All either did or do engender a genuine ………… (6) from members of their staff. All three had or have a genuine belief in creating a climate of mutual consideration, ………… (7) and …………(8) with their staff.

Đáp án:

  1. communication
  2. availability
  3. visibility
  4. approach
  5. contact
  6. commitment
  7. respect

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‘Verb + preposition’ combinations are often useful for describing skills andpersonal qualities. Match the verbs (1-7) to the prepositions and phrases (a-g).
Vocabulary Market Leader Pre-intermediate – Unit 10: Managing People– HocHay


A good manager should:

  1. respond                   a) in their employees’ abilities.
  2. listen                        b) to a deputy as often as possible.
  3. deal                        c) to employees’ concerns promptly.
  4. believe                    d) with colleagues clearly.
  5. delegate                  e) with problems quickly.
  6. communicate           f) in regular training courses for employees.
  7. invest                      g) to all suggestions from staff.


Đáp án:

  1. c
  2. g
  3. e
  4. a
  5. b
  6. d
  7. f


  1. Some verbs combine with more than one preposition.

He reports to the Marketing Director. (to someone)

The Sales Manager reported on last month’s sales figures. (on something)

Say whether these combine with someone, something or both.


  1. a) report to
  2. b) report on


  1. a) apologise for
  2. b) apologise to


  1. a) talk to
  2. b) talk about


  1. a) agree with
  2. b) agree on


  1. a) argue about
  2. b) argue with


Đáp án:

1 a) someone         b) something

2 a) both                 b) someone

3 a) someone        b) both

4 a) both                b) something

5 a) both                b) someone


  1. Complete these sentences with suitable prepositions from Exercise C.
  2. I agreed ………..her that we need to change our marketing strategy.
  3. I talk ………… my boss every Monday at our regular meeting.
  4. We argued ………… next year’s budget for over an hour.
  5. He apologised ………… losing his temper.
  6. We talked ………… our financial problems for a long time.
  7. The Finance Director argued ………… our Managing Director over profit sharing.
  8. I apologised ………… Paula for giving her the wrong figures.
  9. Can we agree ………… the date of our next meeting?

Đáp án:

  1. with
  2. to
  3. about
  4. for
  5. about
  6. with
  7. to
  8. on

Language Review Market Leader Pre-intermediate – Unit 10: Managing People– HocHay

Xem thêm ngữ pháp Cụm động từ trong tiếng Anh: https://dethi.hochay.com/cum-dong-tu-cd


  1. Complete these sentences with the correct form of say or tell.
  2. He ………… that I was late.
  3. He ………… me that I was late.
  4. She ………… him to work harder.
  5. She ………… they would never agree.
  6. Nobody ………… me that she was the CEO.
  7. She ………… that she worked for Toyota.


Đáp án:

  1. said
  2. told
  3. told
  4. said
  5. told
  6. said


  1. Rewrite these sentences in reported speech, changing the tenses.Begin He/She/They said.
  2. Hamza: ‘I’m not enjoying my job very much.’
  3. Adela: ‘ I want to listen to my staff more.’
  4. Susan and Sharon: ‘We need to invest in the development of staff.’
  5. Pierre: ‘I’m feeling under pressure at work.’
  6. Justin: ‘The company has been performing badly.’
  7. Eleanor: ‘I’m going to look for a new job.’

Đáp án:

  1. He said (that) he wasn’t enjoying his job very much.
  2. She said (that) she wanted to listen to her staff more.
  3. They said (that) they needed to invest in the development of staff.
  4. He said (that) he was feeling under pressure at work.
  5. He said (that) the company had been performing badly.
  6. She said (that) she was going to look for a new job


  1. The HR Director couldn’t attend this morning’s meeting.Listen to the meeting and take notes on what was said and who said it. Then write a short e-mail to the HR Director.

Đáp án:

Anna said the level of absenteeism had gone up over the month. She said we needed to monitor sickness levels more closely. Kurt said motivation was the biggest issue. He said that staff felt that no one listened to them. The union representative said that the unions wanted more days’ holiday per year. He/She said this would lead to lower sickness levels. Barbara said our staff had more days’ holiday than any of our competitors. She said there was no excuse for the present level of absenteeism.


Xem thêm ngữ pháp câu tường thuật trong tiếng Anh tại: https://dethi.hochay.com/cau-tuong-thuat-cd


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